Visitors' Site Redesign


A 90's print ad-inspired, destination marketing full redesign and partial content refresh for a small North Carolina beach town's visitor information website.

home page of destination marketing site


Figma, Branding, Mobile-first design, Bootstrap, Custom CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, Animation

Activities page screenshot


Recreating a 90's print advertising aesthetic for this project was a blast. My mom worked in destination marketing on Hilton Head Island, where I'm from, throughout my childhood. I used to sit for hours, flipping through the racks of brochures that lined her office's lobby, staring in wonder as graphic designers drafted sun-drenched ads by hand. I was enamoured with their giant caddies of fancy markers and honestly think the experience is why I decided to study studio art.

I wrote all the copy for this project myself, and created a small component library afterward. I look forward to riffing on this design again when the right client comes along.

ASP.NET Core MVC Tutorial App


A full-stack ASP.NET Core app, built to practice my .NET and MVC architecture skills. With razor layouts, defined areas and dynamic routing, this project was an exciting challenge.

home page of ASP.NET core MVC app


ASP.NET Core MVC, dynamic routing, razor views, areas with nested layouts, custom CSS, Bootstrap, client-side search feature with auto-complete.

Section of .NET tutorial site


This project was a helpful exercise to reinforce my .NET and MVC knowledge. It also gave me an opportunity to design something super clean, that focuses as much as possible on letting the content shine.



A dynamic recipe calculator for an innovative craft cocktail ingredient that exponentially increases juice yield without compromising flavor. Being a relatively new technique, it's hard to find a reliable calculator for batch prep, so I made one.

home page of destination marketing site


Figma logo and illustration design, CSS Grid for Mobile-first design, Dynamic input controls.

Calculator for superjuice


I worked nights at a few local bars to facilitate going back to school, and enjoyed making a tool for coworkers to use. A new iteration with a back end, so users can save formula adjustments and recipes, is in the works.


Oh hey there!

If you need a thoughtful hand with a new build or refresh of an old site, or you have a killer chicken wing recipe, drop me a line below.

(Please allow a few days response time if it's lowcountry shrimping season)